Sunday, August 17, 2008

Avoiding Toxic Household Cleaning Products

I suspect many epilepsy cases may be a result of over-accumulation of toxins in the body, so I try to keep things as all natural and non-toxic as possible.

I used to Lysol everything until I found out that vinegar actually disinfects. I was not aware of this! It's also a ton cheaper, and it's all natural. I now use vinegar to clean just about anything now. It only smells vinegary until it dries.

As for the carpets, I steam clean with just plain old water. As long as the water is good and hot, it really does get the carpets clean. If you leave any soap behind, your carpets will get dirty faster because soap attracts and holds onto dirt. I tried just rinsing real well one time, but it took me about 8 times of going over the carpet to get it somewhat rinsed, so I stopped using soap out of pure laziness as it was too hard to get it all out, and I am thrilled the carpets get just as clean, and stay even clean longer when no soap is used at all.

I strongly advise you not allow the carpet cleaning company to spray that teflon stuff on your carpet. It has been linked with cancer and birth defects, so surely it can't be good for our epi-pets, or us for that matter!

As for carpet smells, simple baking soda works wonders. Again, it is cheaper, and it is all natural.

I love it when the best way happens to be the cheapest way!


Heidi said...

What shampoo do you use to bathe your Henry? I'm looking for something for Topaz. We don't bathe him often, but he's rather "ripe" right now and we really need to!!

Emily said...

Hi Heidi! I am sorry I took so long to get back to you, my father in law has been in the hospital and so this blog has been a bit neglected. He is doing much better now after getting a pacemaker.

This is the shampoo I use for Henry:

I havent researched it very thoroughly so I can't say if it's the most natural product out there.

Henry luckily rarely needs a bath. Greyhounds don't get smelly like many other breeds do, and his hair is so short and thin, when he has a Grand-Mal and needs some cleaning up, I just use damp paper towels.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.