Thursday, May 21, 2009

Prednisone working SO much better!

Riley feels SO much better today!!! Yesterday we noticed a marked difference, and today even more so! He is doing so well, he wanted to try to come down the stairs himself this morning! Of course I didnt let him and carried him as usual. Anyways, you can just tell that he is so happy to have some relief and be feeling better than he was a few days ago. The Prednisone is working waaaaay better than the chemo did! (One drawback-he is 100% incontinent now, but, small price to pay!)

Several days ago: (before Prednisone, and after 2 doses of chemo)

After 3 days of Prednisone:

And a pic. of Riley...
(he's panting cause temps are mid 70's and we need to get AC in downstairs)

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